Water Tank and Tower

Elevated Storage Water Tank

Elevated Storage Water Tank

For a water tower (elevated storage tank) , above-ground tank, our teams have the experience to design and supervise installing your customized water tank platform, covering all tank styles and capacities.
Join thousands of satisfied customers, with safety and quality as core values, help to solve your water storage needs on time and within budget. Over the years we have committed its resources to provide structures and exemplary service for domestic, municipal water storage and industrial storage facilities.

Today, our diverse experience makes us uniquely qualified in many instances to deliver the value-added, engineered solutions you demand. One thing you can be sure of is that when it comes to water tower construction, we don't compromise on safety. this has endeared us to most governments in Kenya, Uganda, Sudan, Nigeria and many coutries, green house farmers schools, hospitals, university's and residentials who have entrusted us to construct high quality, safe water towers .

http://www.structuralsteelcn.com/  structural steel manufacturer